Import & Export
CSV File
Time series manager allows you to import (export) structure of groups and time series from (to) CSV file. Format of the CSV file is as follows:
Each field is enclosed in double quotes. If the field contains double quotes, then extra double quotes are inserted in front of them. For example, field "Mud" temperature, °C must be as follows """Mud"" temperature, °C"
Fields are separated by commas, e.g.: "Group1","TS_WaterLevel","Influx","Tag"
Each new set of fields starts with a new line.
The first line specifies the name of the fields (parameters) and must contain all the parameters used.
Description of fields used during export and import of the time series:
Series Group: contains path to the group which contains the time series. Names of the groups are separated by dots.
Series: contains the time series name.
Store: contains the store name associated with the time series.
Data Source Object Type: contains the data source type (Tag or Expression).
Data Source Group: contains path to the group which contains the data source. Names of the groups are separated by dots.
Data Source: contains the data source name.
Address: contains string representation of the address (ID) (in the format specified by the store).
Converter: contains string representation of the value converter (in the format specified for each type of the converter).
Deadband: contains value for the deadband.
Deadband Mode: contains deadband mode.
Sampling Mode: specifies the mode for presentation of continuous quantity (None, Discrete, Analog).
Sampling Delta Factor: specifies the factor (the real number) used for the values representation in the Analog mode.
Repeat Last Sample: specifies that the current sample must be cycled if data source doesn’t change.
Repeat Last Sample Factor: contains the factor (the real number) used for calculation of time interval in the cycling mode.
Comment: contains any custom text.
Import from Tags/Expressions
Time series manager allows you to import the structure of groups and time series from the tags/expressions available in the server. In this case the structure of groups and time series is created being equivalent to the structure of groups and tags/expressions where the data source for each time series will be a tag/expression which is the basis for this time series.
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