
The following sampling modes are available to represent continuous quantity as a time series: None, Discrete, and Analog. In fact these modes define whether the insert of extra sample between the current and the new samples is required or not.

Find more information about the presentation modes below. Please note that in all the images presented below the points indicate the samples that were written in a store. Data source was changing as follows:



2019-09-17 21:41:23.538


2019-09-17 21:42:12.818


2019-09-17 21:42:36.163


2019-09-17 21:42:40.182


2019-09-17 21:42:56.916


None Mode. In this mode extra sample is not created, values are sent to a store as they are.

Discrete Mode. In this mode before each new sample new extra sample is created. Its value is equal to the current sample, but time differs 1 millisecond from the new one.

Analog Mode. In this mode before each new sample extra sample is created depending on a condition: if the time interval between the current and the new samples is more than SamplingDeltaFactor ✕ DataSource.UpdateRate, the new sample will appear, otherwise - it will not. For example, data source with update rate 500 ms (DataSource.UpdateRate) is specified for the time series, SamplingDeltaFactor = 10. Current sample was received in 2019-09-17 21:42:12.818 (CurrentTime), and new sample - in 2019-09-17 21:42:36.163 (NewTime), Interval = SamplingDeltaFactor ✕ DataSource.UpdateRate = 500 ✕ 10 = 5000ms, Delta = DeltaMilliseconds(NewTime - CurrentTime) = 24655ms, Delta > Interval. So the extra sample would appear in a store. The value of the extra sample would be equal to the current sample, and time would differ 1 ✕ DataSource.UpdateRate from the new sample.

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