
To filter values received from time series data source you can specify the deadband. It is determined by the positive real number. The following deadband modes are supported.

  • None: filtering of samples is not performed.

  • Absolute: filtering of new sample is performed if the absolute value of difference between the current and the new values is less than or equal to the specified value of the deadband, e.g.: CurrentValue = 7; NewValue = 15; Deadband = 10; Delta = Abs(7 - 15) = 8; Delta (8) < Deadband (10). Thus the new value will be filtered.

  • Percent: filtering of new sample is performed if the absolute value of difference between the current and the new values is less than or equal to the specified value of the deadband in percentage correlation, e.g.: CurrentValue = 1000; NewValue = 1200; Deadband = 15; Delta = Abs(1000 - 1200) = 200; Percent = CurrentValue / 100 ✕ Deadband = 150; Delta (200) > Percent (150). Thus the value will not be filtered.

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