Host: contains target IP address or database server hostname.
Port: contains database server port (5432 by default).
Database: contains name of the database.
Schema: contains name of the schema.
Table Prefix: contains prefix of the tables.
Connection Timeout: contains the time interval (in milliseconds) within which the connection to the database should be established. If the connection is not established within the specified time, an error occurs.
Request Timeout: contains time interval (in milliseconds) within which the response from the database server must be received. If the response is not received during the specified interval, an error occurs.
Max. Buffer Size: contains maximum size of sample buffer for each time series that is accumulated in the server memory.
Wait after Write: contains timeout interval (in milliseconds) before the start of next data writing to the store.
Wait after Error: contains timeout interval (in milliseconds) in case an error occurs during data writing or store preparation.
Inter-request Interval: contains timeout interval (in milliseconds) before sending the next request. It is used if data doesnโt fit in one request.
Username: contains username.
Password: contains password.
Use SSL: specifies that it is necessary to verify database server SSL certificate.
SSL Verification: contains verification mode of database server SSL certificate:
Accept any.
Verify chain of trust by using a store of certificates of the operating system.
Verify chain of trust by using custom certificate of certification authority.
Custom CA File: contains custom certificate of certification authority.
Series per Request: contains maximum number of time series that can be written per one request.
Samples per Request: contains maximum number of samples for each time series that can be written per one request.
Max. Buffer Size: contains maximum size of sample buffer for each time series that is accumulated in the server memory.
Wait after Write: contains timeout interval (in milliseconds) before the start of next data writing to the store.
Wait after Error: contains timeout interval (in milliseconds) in case an error occurs during data writing or store preparation.
Inter-request Interval: contains timeout interval (in milliseconds) before sending the next request. It is used if data doesnโt fit in one request.
Add Server UID to Tag: specifies that for all store associated time series server UID will be added as su tag value (record metadata).
Add Store UID to Tag: specifies that for all store associated time series store UID will be added as stu tag value (record metadata).
Add Time Series UID to Tag: specifies that for all store associated time series time series UID will be added as tsu tag value (record metadata).
Add Time Series Path to Tag: specifies that for all store associated time series string path to time series will be added as tsp tag value (record metadata).
Add Time Series Comment to Tag: specifies that for all store associated time series comment to time series will be added as tsc tag value (record metadata).
Use Server UID in โHashโ Addresses: specifies that unique server identifier should be used to generate Hash addresses.
Database Auto-creation: if the parameter is set, database will be created automatically.
Schema Auto-creation: if the parameter is set, schema will be created automatically.
Table Auto-creation: if the parameter is set, data and metadata tables will be created automatically.
Index Auto-creation: if the parameter is set, indexes for tables will be created automatically.
Last updated