
Listed below are common parameters for primary device and subdevice.


  • Common Address: specifies common address of the controlled station.

  • Device Time Zone: specifies time zone of the controlled station. This parameter is used to convert the timestamp during time synchronization and processing control and monitoring ASDUs. The default setting is [Local Time Zone], which corresponds to the local time zone of the system the server is deployed on.

  • Enable Reads: specifies that the driver should send a command to read C_RC_NA_1 data for all associated monitor tags with the frequency specified in the Update Rate parameter of each tag.


  • General Interrogation (Initialization Settings): specifies whether the driver should send a general interrogation command (C_IC_NA_1) after connecting or reconnecting. The default value is Connect/Reconnect.

  • General Interrogation Mode (Periodic Settings): specifies whether the driver should periodically send a general interrogation command (C_IC_NA_1). The default value is Disabled.

  • General Interrogation Interval (Periodic Settings): defines the time interval (in seconds) for periodic sending of the general interrogation command (C_IC_NA_1). The default value is 3600.

Please note that general interrogation command is generated with the qualifier of QOI = 20 (station interrogation)

  • Counter Interrogation (Initialization Settings): specifies whether the driver should send a counter interrogation command (C_CI_NA_1) after connecting or reconnecting. The default value is Disabled.

  • Counter Interrogation Mode (Periodic Settings): specifies whether the driver should periodically send a counter interrogation command (C_CI_NA_1). The default value is Disabled.

  • Counter Interrogation Interval (Periodic Settings): defines the time interval (in seconds) for periodic sending of the counter interrogation command (C_CI_NA_1). The default value is 3600.

Please note that counter interrogation command is generated with the qualifier of QCC = 5 (request general counter group)

  • Time Sync (Initialization Settings): specifies whether the driver should send a time synchronization command (C_CS_NA_1) after connecting or reconnecting. The default value is Connect/Reconnect.

  • Time Sync Mode (Periodic Settings): specifies whether the driver should periodically send a time synchronization command (C_CS_NA_1). The default value is Periodically.

  • Time Sync Interval (Periodic Settings): defines the time interval (in seconds) for sending the periodic time synchronization command (C_CS_NA_1). The default value is 3600.

  • Test Mode (Periodic Settings): specifies whether the driver should periodically send a testing command (C_TS_NA_1). The default value is Disabled.

  • Test Interval (Periodic Settings): defines the time interval (in seconds) for sending the periodic testing command (C_TS_NA_1). The default value is 15.

Listed below are the common parameters of primary device that are used to organize the data transmission channel.


  • Originator Address: specifies the client’s originator address. Takes a value from 0 to 254.

  • Max ASDU Size: specifies the maximum size of the generated ASDU (in bytes).

  • Size of IOA: specifies the size of the the information object address (1, 2 or 3 octets). Note that all tags associated with the device whose information object address does not fit in the specified number of octets will be ignored by the driver.

  • Size of COT: specifies the cause of transmission field size (1 or 2 octets).

  • Size of CA: specifies the size of the common address field (1 or 2 octets). Note that the parameter cannot be changed if the Common Address of the device or any of the subdevices does not fit in the specified number of octets.

  • Max Buffer Size: specifies the maximum number of ASDUs that the scan buffer can contain.


  • Use SSL: specifies whether the driver should establish a secure connection with the controlled station.

  • Client Certificate: specifies a client-side security certificate. Note that the certificate must contain both public and private encryption keys.

  • SSL Verification: contains verification mode of controlled station SSL certificate:

    • Accept any.

    • Verify chain of trust by using a store of certificates of the operating system

    • Verify chain of trust by using custom certificate of certification authority

  • Custom CA File: contains custom certificate of certification authority

Last updated